Ap Biology Lab 5 Cellular Respiration AP Biology Lab 5 Cell Respiration [help!]?

AP Biology Lab 5 Cell Respiration [help!]? - ap biology lab 5 cellular respiration

I answered all the questions, but there are two questions which I understand. Please help [: I'm sorry if the questions are long.

1. Skunk cabbage is a plant that produce heat and regulate body temperature as a warm-blooded animal can. Botanists have suggested that the ability of the heat in these plants is important because it provides a favorable environment for pollinators available. Heat can also help to dispel the smell of carrion produced that certain flowering skunk cabbage. Of course, these institutions need to create a breathing frequency at high temperatures to as high as 37 degrees Celsius. How can you tell if the temperature is the result of cellular respiration? What are the characteristics of the plant surface and can be present when the respiration of active time in the flowers?

2. Two characteristics of wine with a maximum of 14% alcohol and "Needle" wins. Apply understanding of the alcoholic fermentation to explain these two functions.


Leo said...

1) You can plant in a container. If you remove the unit's temperature drops with time, as the respiratory rate is the amount of oxygen in the container, then the temperature of the system is the result of cellular respiration. If the respiration of active time in the flowers, then the surface of the plant.
probably very important, because it needs more oxygen to breathe and also to distribute the excess heat.

(Incidentally, you are not No. 1)

Alcoholic fermentation 2) occurs when glucose is broken down to pyruvate and converted into ethanol) (alcohol, while the release of CO2. The alcohol content of wine is the result of natural fermentation of these characteristics and "bright" is that CO2 stays in the wine, the creation of "sparks" feeling that CO2 releases.

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